I used to read Tarot Cards and I was very good at it. I should say "I" didn't have anything to do with my accuracy in telling people what the cards said about their specific circumstances in life. Tarot Cards contain imagery, and I would interpret those images and offer my interpretation to those who sought direction. I did it under the pretense of "helping" people, but I think deep down it fed my ego and sense of self. This is the key to understanding how Satan uses this practice and others to lead us away from the cross.
The New Age Movement is very ambiguous. It really doesn't have a set theology of itself. It's a smorgasbord of various elements, but the core of The New Age Movement is that it rejects God and Christ as the truth, period. Satan is forever trying to lead human souls from the cross and to "anything else". This was the case for me. I had fallen from Catholicism and was seeking a spiritual component. The key is that I wasn't looking at Christ, but rather what "I thought" was sufficient for ME.
The bible speaks to the deception of "self" and the condition of sin, and flesh. How in the world can a mere human NOT have one's flesh and sinful nature factor into one's belief in anything apart from God? The New Age Movement for me included psychics who claimed to get messages from loved ones who passed, reincarnation where we are not met by God and Christ in judgment to account for our lives but rather, we're reincarnated as "something" according to karma, and finally the absence of Christ as our savior and the nonexistence of Satan. How convenient.
Why do I title this entry "The danger of The New Age Movement"? Simply put because rejecting the mercy of Christ and the act on the cross will lead us to hell. Period. This is not my rule. This is not my truth. God has made it clear that not all paths lead to Heaven. Truth is not relative. The New Age movement rewrites the gospel message and God's word by its usage of psychics, spirit guides, seances, reincarnation, the stripping of Christ' deity, the elimination of Heaven and hell, and the endless pursuit of one's enlightened consciousness.
The other consequence of involving oneself other than one's eternal damnation is the collateral damage one can suffer whilst alive on this earthly plane. I wish I could contact everyone I ever read Tarot cards for and profusely try and witness the gospel of Christ's salvation to them. I will forever regret my leading people to Satan instead of Christ. I didn't do this purposefully and I believe that God will judge ALL of us with complete fairness and righteousness, but when involved in The New Age movement believe you me. You are on your way to hell. You are being deceived.
God does not quit on those he has saved. Prior to this involvement with The New Age movement, I had been witnessed to by some Christians on a golf course and I gave myself to Christ and I accepted him as my personal lord and savior. I did that with complete sincerity and intention, and I believe deep down that God never gave up on me despite my back sliding and continued sinful behavior afterward. God knows everything about us, and he knows better than anyone human how impossible it is for us to be at peace on this earth without Christ, and it wasn't until I was at the end of my involvement with The New Age movement that I realized that my life had gone to shambles because of the absence of God and Satan's influences on my life via The New Age movement.
The devil is well and alive on this earth. When he tempted Christ in the wilderness he said "All this I give to you" because for whatever reason God has given Satan "free reign" of his creation, earth. Often skeptics will ask "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" or "If God is God why doesn't he just eliminate evil and make everyone love, and treat people correctly?" I understand the question but the answer to me is very simple. God gives us free will to accept or reject him. Adam and Eve had free will to partake of the forbidden fruit. Judas had free will to betray Jesus for monetary gain. You and I have free will to follow him and receive him as our personal lord and savior. We also have free will to accept the lies of The New Age movement or reject it. I pray you reject it. I did and my life changed for the good.