Donald Trump is many things but is he, possibly the antichrist as described in the book of Revelation? Uh, no, he's not, BUT he does have some interesting opposite parallels to Christ and he's been very effective in doing some terrible things in our country.
One of Trump's most overused behaviors is his chronic lying. It's as if he's completely opposed to truthfulness and he constantly lies whenever it suits him. the Bible says that lying is one of the six things that God hates so why does Trump get so much "love" from professing Christians?
Time magazine cited research by the Pew Research Center stating that white evangelical Republican voters (55%) would vote for Donald Trump if he gets (and he very well may) another run for president in 2024. Why do white evangelicals support a man who doesn't know the first thing about Christianity and when asked about "forgiveness" doesn't believe he's in need of it?
One possible reason that white evangelicals tend to overlook Trump's legal battles and recently order to pay millions of dollars in a lost defamation case is because supporters view Trump as a defender, someone who can "defend" them.
Say what?
Yes, Trump touts himself as a messiah-like character who can single handedly save our country, let alone defend white evangelical Christians, and there's no sign their support will wane anytime soon.
But why would any Christian, white evangelical support a twice impeached serial philandering liar who staged a coup on our nation's capital and habitually lied about trying to suppress it with our national guard and blaming Nikki Haley (who wasn't even in the country) and Nancy Pelosi falsely blaming THEM for not allowing the national guard to squelch the insurrection?
The answer is simple.
Donald Trump is simply dishonest, probably sociopathic, and completely narcissistic, but he's not the antichrist. He has white evangelical Christians in his hip pocket and he's worse than the antichrist. He's the poster child for disillusioned white, evangelical Christians, and that's worse.