I can only speak from experience but the most significant epiphany I've ever had is that Christ is who he claimed to be. In this Godless age of diversity, pride, materialism, lack of morals, and new age indoctrination, there's been a long, ongoing seduction of our souls by the "ruler" of the air, Satan. Yes, Satan. I can hear the giggles as I type this post. You see, Satan epitomizes the essence of "not caring about God" and his primary motive is to estrange us from Jesus, God, the truth of the gospel. And the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we must turn from our full sinfulness and come to some knowledge, feeling, closeness to Christ, and the holy spirit of God. There is no other way to "know God" other than Jesus Christ, period.
Christ was in enemy territory while he was living down here on earth. His primary mailing address IS Heaven, and he knows full well what awaits us, and he loves us so much that he gave his life for our sin, however God gives us a choice as he free will-thinking children to accept this gift of salvation, his son dying on the cross. God will not FORCE us to accept salvation through his son, but he is a just, loving God who knows the true nature of us, and he will judge us fairly when we die. God is the ultimate, completely fairest all-knowing head juror, and he's not of our peers. He is THE JUDGE.
Salvation is a very foreign term for most of us. It can even be completely meaningless for many because the thought of "something" other than this existence rings of "fairy tale concoction", and often with atheists or "science minded" people, rubbish, but our salvation can "only" mean something if we're filled with the true knowledge of Christ, and who we are.
Trust me. If you spent one day with me and shadowed me, you'd probably not place me in the "goody Christian mold", but that's because you'd be doing what we all do and that is to judge one another. It's one of my knee jerk habits, and I do it with myself more than I do with any other person. The bible speaks about the unveiling that occurs when we die. The protective facade we carry around on earth which covers our true selves will be gone. Our "shells" we wear will no longer masquerade who we truly are. Jesus sees through this protective layer and loves us for who we truly are seeking to live in us during this flicker of time we inhabit these bodies, and he knows the ending of this age, and he seeks only that we trust him, love him, accept him, and if we do that with the upmost of sincerity, we will have salvation.
So, Salvation starts with the acceptance of Christ and the ensuing fellowship with him. It's the letting go of "pride" which Satan tries desperately to strengthen in us. There is a battle going on, unseen to us, and it's been going on since the creation of man. It's spiritual. We can't see it, and if not "saved", can't even feel it, but when saved our sinfulness becomes extremely apparent. It can't not be. It's what the apostle Paul spoke about in his letter to the Romans,
"For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate to do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me."
It is for THIS reason that Jesus died on the cross, to save us from this "condition" of perpetual failure in being "good enough" to go to Heaven. This is the essence of who we are and why we need Jesus. It's pride that Satan uses to pull us away from this consciousness of our sin, and if he can muddy the waters with distraction, arrogance, pride, false competing cults, new age doctrine, or pure atheistic thinking, he will, because this is his territory, and why God has permitted this to be is only known to God, and it's absolutely the just way to do it.
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