Sunday, July 31, 2022

Only God can change you.

 I am very selfish when it comes to money and charity It's funny how that for lack of a better word, fault, has made me question my very faith to its core. I mean, how can I be a Christian when I am so attached to my possessions? It's a struggle but is it really surprising that my very nature includes frugality? God has taught me so much about sin and grace. The reason I can accept this part of me NOW is because I know we ALL are sinful creatures, and we will battle our sinful nature until we die, but what responsibility do I have to deal with my personal issue of selfishness? 

It's simple. I give it to God. I cannot change this within me. I cannot CHANGE and become an UNSELFISH person. Only GOD can change me. I give it to God. My selfishness is simply one color or shade of my overall sinfulness. It's that same sinful condition that manifests into much worse acts of evil, and it's the very reason Christ came down to earth. God knowing ALL man is plagued with this condition knew that Jesus' death on the cross was the ONLY way to attune for the sin of man. No one is equipped to make the necessary changes to make oneself "right" before God. 

I will continue to lift myself up before God and in prayer ask that he cleanse me, change me, and make me the man he wants me to become. God loves us and wants us to live in peace and forgiveness, so accept Christ and give all of yourself to God. Only God can change you for the better. 

Does anyone really think about one's eternity?

So much of the time I get caught up in what THIS WORLD has to offer, and it pisses me off. I should know better. It's one of the biggest traps believers and non-believers can fall into. Is it really a surprise given our limited scope of experience that we ONLY look at our experience of THIS WORLD? What else do we really have to go on? 

I was reminded in a sermon earlier today how un-grounded we can get when we ONLY look at this world. This world experience is a finite, fleeting adventure that will inevitably end and are you prepared? Am I prepared? I would respectfully say I believe most people; especially non-believers are NOT prepared for their eternal resting place. 

So much of the time we get caught up in the regimented life maps given to us and when we have sudden shifts in direction for whatever reason we get tweaked. We do not want surprises and we don't want hardship or suffering. So how do we get redirected to what's important. For me it's simply GOD. 

God will always bring us back, especially in his word to what we should be focusing on. God will help us through this life experience because GOD knows what awaits all of us and he truly wants us to focus on what is eternal, not temporal. 

Today I was restless. I was going to blow off church. I was sitting, parading social media, wasting time and I thought "Why don't I go to church?" I quickly got dressed, went to church and got fed a dose of God and it was really comforting and helpful. It was a community of people taking the time to worship together and it was uplifting and peaceful. 

God is not hiding. He wants us to seek him, to know him, and he'll get us focused on these really important eternal things that surpass this world and death. 

My Christian Walk Introductory Post (Why I am doing this?)

 Hello Everyone, 

I have branched out to include this blog platform to diversify content for "My Christian Walk" Currently you can find content podcast segments on Spotify and Anchor FM. My podcasts are like an audio diary of my walk with Christ. I was fortunate to be indoctrinated into the Christian faith by my parents from the third grade on and I still today keep in touch with friends dating back to 1972. There's something about a fraternity of parochial school children that carries over to adulthood, and I'm fortunate to keep in touch with my old classmates as we traverse our worldly encounters in our later middle age years. Wow. Truly a blessing. 

As I figure it, we ALL have the gift of life and as believers we can share the gospel in positive ways by our walk with Jesus. I am certainly no saint, nor do I take a heavy-handed approach in sharing my faith. I simply believe that God is essential in the lives of ALL his children, and he can even lead those who don't believe to the saving grace of his son, Jesus.  

 I hope you will enjoy this platform of content and if you care to interact, engage, leave messages, please do so! 

Is Donald Trump the antichrist?

Donald Trump is many things but is he, possibly the antichrist as described in the book of Revelation?  Uh, no, he's not, BUT he does ha...