Sunday, July 31, 2022

My Christian Walk Introductory Post (Why I am doing this?)

 Hello Everyone, 

I have branched out to include this blog platform to diversify content for "My Christian Walk" Currently you can find content podcast segments on Spotify and Anchor FM. My podcasts are like an audio diary of my walk with Christ. I was fortunate to be indoctrinated into the Christian faith by my parents from the third grade on and I still today keep in touch with friends dating back to 1972. There's something about a fraternity of parochial school children that carries over to adulthood, and I'm fortunate to keep in touch with my old classmates as we traverse our worldly encounters in our later middle age years. Wow. Truly a blessing. 

As I figure it, we ALL have the gift of life and as believers we can share the gospel in positive ways by our walk with Jesus. I am certainly no saint, nor do I take a heavy-handed approach in sharing my faith. I simply believe that God is essential in the lives of ALL his children, and he can even lead those who don't believe to the saving grace of his son, Jesus.  

 I hope you will enjoy this platform of content and if you care to interact, engage, leave messages, please do so! 

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